
Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Beginilah caranya..Bukan tajuk lagu tau.Tpi beginilah caranya tuk sy sekarang. Akhirnya, that’s it. Xnk sgt kan? But now I admit it. It’sover. Sepatutnya dh lama game over..huhu..tpi xnk mengaku kalah plak.Haa..amik kau!!! Padan muka, nk sabaq konon, sayang konon...blah la...Had sabaq ni dh capai tahap maksimum rasanya. Sudah la rasa mcm diperkotak-katikkan. (btul ka eja ni)..haha.Dh la yer.

Then, taking my brother advice, he said, “adik, xyah pkiq dia lagi nah?ingt tau.lau sayang abang n still anggap abang mc abang adik, ikut ckp abg.tau?huhu..teharu sejenak.ada gak abang angkat yg baik n penyayang mcm dia. Alhamduillah. Thank you Allah. Walaupon ada abg sndiri tpi napa tah bab2 masalah mcm ni xpernah rsa nk share dgn dia. Hanya abang angkat jay g pham.
One thing that I really2 hope is, this is longer, n forever.

Dear heart, please washed away, throw away all the feelings towards YOU. I had enough of it. Please my dearest heart, forget everything about YOU. Delete everything, all the memory about YOU.
Stop here. Have a nice day!!


  1. yours experience?? same what i face right now... need to forget someone who, my bestfriend before this.. be patience.. na, I know, it very hurt to face and accept it... Hopefully you can through it :-)

  2. yes..my own experience...yaker...tabah yer..same goes to me...thank you for the advice..i really appreciate it..hope also the best for you..:D
