
Saturday, September 29, 2012


esok dh nk masuk bulan oktober. cepatnya masa berlalu meninggalkan kita. esok jgak segala2nya bermula.

my first paper which is ETR. xpernah ada perasaan mcm ni. cuak tahap dewa dh ni. byk chapter kna cover dan apa yg mcm menyusahkan ialah, this is all about business. not in my field.

hati ni hanya ALLAH ja yg tau. since this is my last semester, i really2 hope that i can performance and get the better result compared to the last semester. lpas ETR, paper reference, then my favorite subject which is archive, then is management and lastly is cataloging which i think is my killer subject. nmpak sgt xlayak sambung library science.

dh kot nk smbung study. i pray and really hope that everything will be fine. :D


for my dearest sister, this is my way to express or show my feelings towards YOU...

1.please smile and smile as you can :)

2. i want YOU to be happy every time because YOU have a beautiful smile :D

3. keep smiling even when you have a problem..i want you to know that your happiness is important to me

4. please take care of yourself wherever and whenever you are 

5. as you know you are my dearest sister,so i do love you so much from 2 July 2011 until forever...

6. i will sent you for the second time..your favorite cake on your birthday. i promise that 

akak, last nk ckp, maaf lau smua ni xseberapa. tapi percayalah meen adik yang baik dan meen ni sayanggg kakak dia sgt2...dan kakak meen tu tentulah akak...

im so sorry if u dont like it..

tq for being my sister and it is already one year right.. and until now u still be my dearest sister.:D

Sunday, September 23, 2012

For My Beloved Sister

rsnya dh lma blog ni xdiconteng. ini smua gara2 kemalasan dan kesibukkan yg sgt tidak dpt dielakkan. arini dgn rasminya, tiada lgi assignment yg erlu disiapkan.alhamdulillah smua dh settle.just waiting fir this coming tuesday for VIVA.. harap sgt smua berjalan lancar hendaknya..Ameen..

kali ni nk update sal someone ni. someone that hold a very2 special place in my heart. my everything, my life my dearest sister. she is siti maisara bt mohd jafre.from the deep of my heart, i really2 miss her. now she has a new life at Puncak.with her new environment.new sister..maybe kot..i dont have any reason to disturb her life anymore, she not love me anymore. she is really happy now.

akak, i will be happy if you are happy too. because i love u my dearest sister. forever till the end only you is my sister..

enough here. just one thing that i really2 want u to know. YOU are my everything, YOU are my dearest sister. <3 nbsp="nbsp">