
Monday, December 31, 2012

You and You in My Heart (2012)

end of 2012.  A year which give a lot of meanings to me. Too many things happens. Whether a good or bad, all of that are very effect my life. start in the early year of 2012....The most memorable time that I could forget is during my birthday. Dedicated to Kak Zura, Kak Bella, Abg Pdot & Abg Anip.

-thank you for this-

It's hard for me to do this but finally. I can do this with you. I admit that it's not as easy as you think. For the last I really hope that I can spent my time with you and it is for the last time. It just one day, but it is one of the memorable day in 2012 for me. Thank you for this...You had fulfill my wish...

-thank you my dearest sister-
Someone who doesn't want to talk with me finally make me surprise. Someone had hold a special place in my heart. Someone that complete my life.Someone that is important to me. Yeahh she is my sister. Wonderful sister. One day, she had give me a chance to make everything clear. Finally, everything had better than before. But now nothing between us. However,everything is good..:D

- that is my sister-
(3 February)

abg muaz yg "skema"
    This is my brother at UiTM Kedah... Nothing much about him. But he is really a good brother for me. He always make me smile. He always be there for me. Just text and then he will call me back..haha..The sweetest time is when he spent his time for me to go for my research in Penang..
I love him and he will always be my "brother"... :)

All of them is a person that make my 2012 is a very amazing year...

In 2012, I also had finished my studies.

In 2012, my health is more better than before.

In 2012, I had really fall in love with someone. (cannot mention here :D)

In 2012, I have my own car.

In 2012, I had realize something.

In 2012, I am already 20 no more "teen"..

In 2012, I realize that UiTM Kedah is an amazing place.

In 2012, I really miss You.

In 2012, I realize that I really need You.

And many more. Tired of typing actually..

For those person I mention above... You will be always in my heart for more years and until the end of my life.

Thank you so much for everything

Sunday, December 30, 2012

only you

Can you listen to my words, don’t say anything yet
Actually I’m so insecure, without you how do I live each day?
I know you haven’t ended yet,
But don’t cry over the empty space that I left

My heart only has you, your heart only has me.
Similar sentiments, the proof of our love
The same sky, different place.
We’re separated for now
for this instant, something to never forget
Please remember

I will remember the love you gave me
No one can take over you
That only love, I will keep in the bottom of my heart
Making you wait so long, I’m sorry
In my life only you are most special

My heart only has you, your heart only has me.
Similar sentiments, the proof of our love
The same sky, different place.
We’re separated for now
for this instant, something to never forget
Please remember

Actually you understand right
Without you i can’t live, without me you can’t live
An almost torn heart, take a deep breath
Who said that hurt will slowly heal is empty words
I love you, I love you, I love you, even if you can’t hear
Sorry Sorry Sorry I have regrets
F.O.R.E.V.E.R I will hold your hand tight
Just like when we first met, we will be back together

Be my love, I need you.
To me there is only you, you know that right
the sharpness of cold wind, like it’s beating me to be by your side

The you that grasps my hand
The you that follows my steps
Until the day that we meet again, I won’t let go of your hand

My heart only has you, your heart only has me.
Similar sentiments, the proof of our love
The same sky, different place.
We’re separated for now
for this instant, something to never forget
Please remember

Monday, December 17, 2012

I'm Happy Now

nk update pasai dia lgi kali ni. sy sgt amatlah terharu semalam. xsangka dpt msej dr dia. xsangka pon dia nk balas. sy ada swuh dia bca apa yg sy tulis sal dia. dan mcm selalu, dia baca. hati sy lega sgt skrg. sbb dia dh tau apa perasaan sy yg sebenaqnya. sy dh jujur sejujurnya dgn dia semalam.

dia xakan ada pengganti. selamanya dia di hati sy. :). sy berjanji dgn diri sndiri dan dia, sy xakn ada sapa2 dh skrg dan selepas ini kerana dialah yg paling sy sayang. ckp sal apa yg dia msej sy semalam, dia ckp dia pon xley nk tipu perasaan dia sndri jgak. cuma, sy kurang pham, apa yg dia xley tipu tu??perasaan dia yg mcm mana agaknya. sy ni kalau ckp xstraight to the point, susah skit nk memahami.huhu...

dan apa yg paling penting adalah dia ckp. diam dia xbermakna dia bencikan sy dan xdak apa mksud pon sebenaqnya. yg tu yg sy tunggu2 sgt. dh byk kali dh sy soal mcm tu kt dia n finally semalam dia dh bgtau. hati ni teramat la lega. sy ingt dia dh bencikan sy dh..sedih kn kalau btoii..

psai dia xdak perasaan tu, hurmm smua manusia ada perasaan kn?apa yg sy ckp kt dia selama ni, yg dia xdak perasaan smua tu, mungkin smua dia wat ada sebab2nya. sy xsedaq. dan mungkin sy xtau. sy mntak maaf sbb ckp kat dia mcm tu.

perkara paling mengharukan or ayat yg mmbuat sy terharu dr dlu lgi smpai skrg adalah, "take a gud care of urself"...ye akak.. kalau akak swuh meen jga diri, akak pon kna jga dri baik2 jgak.cuma, ayat tu xlengkap sbnaqnya. sbb xdak ayat "akak syg meen"haha..over kn sy??bg betis nk paha. dia xsyg sy lgi,jd mana mungkin akn ada ayat mcm tu kn.

tpi, sy dan dia dh amik keputusan, biaqla kmi mcm ni sja. sbb xnak lukakan hati masing2. mungkin ini yg terbaik tuk kami berdua. insyallah..kita xtau apa akn jd yg ke depan. usaha dan berdoa tu yg terbaik.

enough for today...:D


Friday, December 14, 2012

pengakuan jujur

ok rajin plak nk update la ni kn. now, nk wat satu pengakuan bleh ka x?ni ditujukan tuk someone. tpi xrsa yg dia akn bca.kalau dlu bila sy sruh dia bca ja bru dia bca. kalau x, mknanya x la tu.xpala..yg pnting sy dh tulis kat sni.

sbnaqnya, sy xdak sapa2 pon. sy sja kata mcm tu aritu. konon-kononnya sy ley hdup tnpa dia. sy xperlukan dia lgi. hakikatnya, xbtoi pon smua bnda tu. but kalau skalipon sy perlukan dia, watpa kalau dia xperlukan sy lgi kn. biaqla mcm ni sja.

pendek ja kot nnt update len..bye2

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

yes this is for you

malas nk update sgt skrg...xtau la napa..xlarat sbnaqnya. tapi arini, terdetik hati nk update. sy nk update sal seseorg ni. dia penah tanya, bla la aku nk update blog sal dia? hurm..akhirnya kan..yes ni tuk dia. agaknya btoi la apa yg dikatakan org, waktu dekat dgn kita xnk hargai, bila dia dh pergi, baru la rsa rindu la, sedih la kalau dia xdak n mcm2 lgi la. yes ni la yg sy lalui skrg.

ckp sal dia ni, sy knai dgn dia pon,melalui seseorg yg sy sayang. kalau x melalui org yg sy syg tu, xkan la sy akn serapat mcm tu dgn dia.berbalik p tujuan asal td, dia ni istimewa bg sy. dia baik, caring, penyayang dll..huhu. waktu sy nk gembira dia dtg, waktu sy sedih pon dia snggup ada tuk sy bila2 msa sja. hnya text dia skali ja pon, dia mst akn reply balik. kdang2 sy rsa berslah plak. mcm wat dia ni tempat tuk su luah msalah sja.

sy mmng syg dia sbnaqnya. tapi waktu dia msih bersama sy, sy xtau nk hargai dia. sy dok sibuk2 tunjuk syg sy kat kawan yg perkenalkan dia kat sy tu. dia dengaq ja apa sy cter. ksian kat dia. dan truknya sy kan??skrg, dia dh xdak.dia dh pergi dr hdup sy. dia mungkin dh bnci sy.hurmm..kepada dia, sy nk mntak maaf sbb byk dh salah sy lakukan.

dan bodohnya sy jgak sbb terlalu sygkan kawan dia tu. syg org yg xsepatutnya. yg xtau nk menghargai perasaan org lngsung. kdang2 sy rsa dia ni xdak perasaan pon ada. kejam pon yer. tahla. cma sy pelik, mcm mana kononnya yg sayang giler dlu tu 100% hilang serta-merta. senang sungguh dia lupakan org. mungkin dia ingt dia perfect sgt kot. sy ja salah, dia smua btoi..

ckup la stakat ni..kepada dia yg sy rindui, sy sy tulis khas wat kali ni tuk dia, sy hrap stu ari nnt kta ley berjmpa. sy sayang dia. maafkan sy yer.. selamat malam..:D

Thursday, December 6, 2012

nothing much to say

lamanya xupdate. ni smua sbb kesakitan yg sy alami baru2 ini. dh byk ubat yg dimakan, akhirnya alhamdulillah shat jgak..:) berckp mengenai skrg ini, sy hrap smuanya akn bertahan dan kekal utk selamanya. sy hrap sy kuat, tabah, dan hebat tuk hadapi smua ni.

utk smua yg awk dh bg, sy berterima kasih byk2. sy hargai itu smua. sy bahagia. walaupon hnya dgn kenangan2 yg awk dh bg, tu ckup tuk sy tersenyum. sy tau smpai sni shja smuanya. cuma, sy agak terkilan, sy xtau apa perasaan awk skrg ni, benci ka, lega ka, suka ka. knapala awk wat smpai mcm ni?? but its okay. sy redha ja skrg ni

ok la nothing much to say.. penat la plak rsanya..have a nice day :)